We work with leading startup accelerators to support founders deploying critical environmental solutions at scale
Investing in our sustainable economic future
Impact Ventures is an independent investor in early-stage, high-growth companies focussed on supporting founders building capacity for a sustainable, net zero economy.

We work with private individuals, family offices and other organisations to align their startup portfolio with their values. Our performance is judged by strong financial returns and environmental impact.

Based in Australia, we identify, place, manage and exit strategic investments for our partners.
Focus areas
We support climate tech and other startups solving the world's most pressing environmental problems
Climate change
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and adapting to the impacts of climate change
Ocean health
Preventing and cleaning up ocean pollution, protecting ecosystem health, and supporting sustainable aquaculture
Circular economy
Reducing waste with the ultimate goal of decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources
Reversing the trend of human-caused extinctions and rebuilding robust and diverse ecosystems through regenerative agriculture and targeted interventions
“The future will be green, or not at all.”
- Jonathan Porritt, environmentalist and author
We partner with and fund values-aligned, world-class acceleration programs to provide founders with the financial and non-financial support they need, build the startup ecosystem, and provide investors with exposure to curated portfolios of startups

Startups we've proudly invested in

James Tilbury
Piers Grove

Looking to invest?

Impact Ventures partners with individuals, family offices and other organisations to identify and manage investments that fit their impact and financial needs. With an unparalleled deal flow in Australia and the surrounding region, Impact Ventures is the ideal partner to gain exposure to emerging technologies and models with demonstrable impact for a sustainable planet.

Looking for investors?

Impact Ventures partners with early-stage (pre-seed to Series A) founders who are developing impact businesses with a sustainable business model. If you believe you might be the right fit for our investors, please get in touch below.

Get in touch
118 Wyndham Street
Alexandria NSW 2015
Impact Ventures Management Pty. Limited ACN 648 797 371 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (AFS 1286219) of Lanterne Fund Services Pty Ltd ACN 098 472 587 (AFSL No. 238198). Impact Ventures is only authorised to provide advice and services to wholesale or sophisticated investors.
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